The reform will operationallze a sound regulatory framework designed to create independent regulators for the water sector which will be effective for giving values to stakeholders. The previous situation where no regulator existed left serious regulatory issues at the mercy of the Public Operators.
Roles of the different organs of government involved in water provision activities will therefore be clearly separated for regulation to purely focus on outputs like the level of services, quality of service, pricing and efhciency.
State Governments will be expected to enact new or amend existing legislations to create water regulatory authorities which will be established and empowered. Activities of the State Regulatory bodies will be guided by National Water Regulatory body. The essence of this is to engender independence and transparency of the state regulatory authorities while facilitating cooperative competition which will be healthy for growth in the sector.
Through appropriate regulations, water users will benefit through improved value for water expenses and level of senxice received. Water service providers will have autonomy of operation and attract hnancing for further development while State Governments will witness improvement in their infrastructural base coupled with other economic gains. Also, there will be improved investors conhdence in the sector which will translate into national economic gains in water and other sectors.